AECOsim Building Designer Help

DataGroup Transformation Utility

Used to move and/or transform business data (DataGroup data) from one DataGroup catalog to another.
Accessed from:
  • Ribbon - File > Utilities > Data Utilities > Transformation

With the DataGroup Transformation Utility you can:
  • Scan models to find all business entities not currently mapped to a DataGroup catalog item in the model. For instance, if a door catalog item was inadvertently removed from a catalog, the utility creates an entry for that entity in the catalog list.
  • Load saved mapping files, and add, remove, and clear mapped catalog names, instances, and properties from the mapping table.
  • Process and remaps all items in the catalog for the entire model and save mapping files to disk.
  • Display the mappings applied to the business data attached to the elements in the file. Here you can view:
    1. the original name of the catalog prior to transformation
    2. the original instance name of the catalog
    3. the destination catalog where the data is transformed to
    4. destination catalog instance name where the data is transformed to
  • Represent how the properties of the catalog are mapped to the destination catalog instances. Here you can view:
    1. the original property display name and raw property identifier
    2. the destination catalog property name, formatted
    3. the handling method of property values when they are transformed
Process Remaps the active model with the Catalog Mapping list.
CAUTION: An alert dialog appears when Destination Property values in the Source Property Mapping list (lower list box) are left blank for newly mapped catalogs.
Process All References Processes the active model and all attached references, with the Catalog Mapping list. The Files to Process dialog opens while the process is in progress. The dialog reports files that have been processed, their processing time, file that is being processed, and files that are pending process. The processing action opens each reference as it is being processed. When all references and the master file have been processed, you are returned to the active master file.
Note: Pause or cancel the upgrade process by clicking the applicable button. When the upgrade is complete, the Pause turns to Done (which dismisses the dialog).

Scan Scans the active model. The scan finds all business entities that are not currently mapped to a catalog item. For instance, if a door catalog item is inadvertently removed from a catalog, a row is created containing that catalog item name.
Scan All References Scans the active model and all attached references.
Load Loads a previously saved mapping file. If a mapping file is currently open and in use, a prompt to save the open file is given before another mapping file is loaded.
Save Saves the current open mapping file to disk.
Options Opens the DataGroup Transformation Utility Options dialog.

  • Backup file before processing content - When on (on by default), a backup of the DGN file is created in the MS_BACKUP directory. You should check this option prior to selecting Process.
  • Enable Best Match - When on (on by default), and after you have selected a destination catalog from the Source Property Mapping list box, the property name that most closely matches the source property name automatically populates in the Source Property Mapping list Destination Property column.
  • Show Summary at end of process - When on, the Transformation Summary dialog opens to display the total number of DataGroup transformation instances (after the file is processed).
Add Adds a new catalog mapping row to the Source Catalog Mapping list box.
Remove Removes a selected row from the Source Catalog Mapping list box.
Source Catalog mapping list (upper list box) Contains mappings applied to the business data attached to the elements in the file. Catalog name and instance information in the Source Catalog, Source Catalog Instance, Destination Catalog, and Destination Catalog Instance columns can be changed by clicking the applicable cell to open an option menu where available names and instances can be selected.
  • Source Catalog – Displays the original name of the catalog prior to transformation.
  • Source Catalog Instance – Displays the original instance name of the catalog. Select <Any> to permit all catalog instance names to be transformed.
  • Destination Catalog – Displays the destination catalog name to which data is transformed.
  • Destination Catalog Instance – Displays the destination catalog instance name to which data is transformed. When this column is left blank, the Source Catalog instance name should be used.
Source Catalog Mapping list icons
  • (Warning) – Displays when a problem exists with the current mapping for the item. Move the pointer over the icon to open pop-up information explaining the problem.
Clear Removes a selected row from the Source Property Mapping list box. Clear also removes multiple row selections (use <Ctrl> to select multiple rows).
Note: Only removes data from the Destination Property and Action columns. Data in the Source Property column is maintained.
Source Property Mapping list (lower list box) Displays the mapping of catalog properties to the destination catalog instances. Information in the Destination Property and Action columns can be changed by clicking the applicable cell to open an option menu where available properties and actions can be selected.
  • Source Property – Displays the original property name, and the raw identifier is enclosed by parenthesis.
  • Destination Property – Displays the destination catalog Property name, formatted.
  • Action – Displays how the property value is handled when transformed. Available options are:
    1. Keep Original value – move the property value over as found on source (no changes)
    2. Clear on Copy – the value is emptied on destination
    3. Use Destination Catalog Value – the value found in the Destination catalog system, is used for that instance.
Source Property Mapping list icons
  • – Displays when the mapping is valid. This mapping is applied during transformation.
  • – Displays when no mapping has been applied. Move the pointer over the icon to open pop-up information regarding mapping.
  • – Displays when the mapping is not valid. Move the pointer over the icon to open pop-up information explaining why the mapping is not valid.
  • Key-in option < LOAD > loads the currently open mapping file.
  • Key-in option < OPEN > opens the dialog.
  • Key-in option < PROCESSFILE > processes the active model.
Note: This tool is enabled only when the MDL application DGTRANSFORM is loaded. Selecting the tool icon or menu item automatically loads the application. Because DGTRANSFORM is not loaded by default when starting AECOsim Building Designer, the key-in listed for this tool will not respond if keyed in before using the tool icon.